Hazardous Plants and Places

Plants and Places which can be fatal to our cats!

It is always a good idea to go through your house and make sure that it is "cat safe". Below you will find information on some ways to "cat proof" your home.

KITCHEN: As a general rule keep all dishwashers, freezer, refrigerators, ovens and microwaves closed when not in use. Unplug appliances like blenders, toasters, electric kettles, irons, hot plates, etc. when you are not using them. Not only could a cat turn one of these items on by stepping on it but your kitty may even chew through the cord and electrocute himself or herself. Secure cupboards containing cleaners and poisons as you would for a toddler.
BATHROOMS: Make sure that all medicines are secure. One acetaminophen tablet can kill a cat. Since pills are small and round your kitty might think it's just something fun to play with. Unplug and put away hair dryers, curling irons, electric razors, etc. when not in use. Also be sure to keep the toilet lid down when not in use particularly if you use chemicals in the tank to help keep it clean.
LAUNDRY ROOM: Dryers can be very dangerous for cats. Warm clean clothes attract cats and your kitty might crawl in for a nap. It's always a good idea to do a kitty head count before starting dryers. Also do not leave a hot iron unattended. Cats investigate by smelling and your kitty could burn his or her nose by sniffing it.
OTHER AREAS: Put all breakables that you can't live without out of reach or in display cases. Cover all electrical cords and unplug them when not in use. If your cat sprays make sure that you cover electrical outlet with plastic inserts. Screen in fireplaces and only use candles or other fire sources when you are available to supervise. Make sure that all windows and doors that maybe opened for ventilation are screened. Balconies should be off limits as some cats do not have a good sense about heights and may fall. Below is a list of plants known to be poisonous to cats. This is not a complete list and basically just mentions some of the more common varieties. Many of these plants can be found outside as well and inside.

Bird of Paradise
Black Locust
Castor Bean
Elephant's Ear
Fruit Pits
Golden Chain
Indian Tobacco
Jerusalem Cherry
Jimson Weed
Lily of the Valley
Mescal Bean
Morning Glory
Skunk Cabbage

DARKROOMS AND OTHER HOBBY ROOMS: Film processing solutions, especially those containing ethylene glycol (the same chemical used in anti-freeze), are deadly to cats. Be sure that all hot glue guns, soldering irons and sewing machines are unplugged when not in use. Be sure to store any potentially toxic materials out of your kitty's reach. Be sure to pick up all string, needles and other sewing materials. String enteritis results from swallowing string like items. Needles with attached thread can be VERY dangerous. The thread gets caught around the base of the tongue while the rest passes into the stomach and intestine. This causes, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and depression as the intestines contract in an attempt to pass the string. This leads to dead if the string lacerates the curving intestinal tract walls.

In addition to the above information remember that an indoor cat has a much longer life span than that of an outdoor cat. An indoor cat can easily live to be 15-20 years old however an outdoor cat will not likely ever see its tenth birthday. Cars pose a few different dangers to cats. Not only must you worry about your kitty being hit by a car but cats will also climb into engine compartments to sleep and keep warm. The owner of the car may start his car without even knowing the kitty was there. In addition, antifreeze is deadly to cats. There is no solid reason, however cats and dogs tend to be drawn to antifreeze and if they drink it, less than a teaspoon can kill them.

You must also be aware that if a car does not get your kitty another animal might. Dog attacks account for many outdoor cat deaths each year. In addition, your kitty could be injured by any number of other animals and lets not forget that outside is the best place for your cat to pick up parasites and diseases.
People can be very dangerous too. Pet theft is a thriving business in the US today. Purebreds are particularly targeted because purebreds can be resold for a profit. However, thieves steal random breed dogs and cats as well. Some people make their living stealing pets from residential streets and selling them to medical research facilities, representing the animals as strays. Cats are also stolen for bait in the training of guard dogs. In addition,despite efforts to outlaw steel leg-hold traps, these devices are still used in certain areas. If your kitty is caught in a trap like this he or she will die a slow agonizing death. Lastly, lets not forget those neighbours who don't like cats and are tired of kitty going through their garbage. That neighbour may make sure that your kitty doesn't come around to bother them anymore.
Overall, it really is best to keep your cat or kitten indoors at all times unless your kitty is in a carrier or you have provided a safe area that kitty cannot escape from.



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